Results for 'blīeh'Results for 'blīeh'

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blīeh / plieh / plieh /plɛh/  vt. <diex>   / <tiex>   ကစား-၊ ဆော့-၊ ပျော်ရွှင်- 玩,玩耍 wán, wánshuǎ play, have fun, have a good time, enjoy oneself (in W. Cangyuan and N. Wa State dialect, plieh is general term for 'play', while klieh refers to male-female play and courtship.).  :  Līg soux ax ang yāox dix som, yōm yāg ax ang yāox dix blieh. / Lig sox ax ang: yaox tix sawm:, yawm yag ax ang: yaox tix plieh.  ဝက်နဲ့ခွေးငါတို့ထမင်းမစားရဘူး၊ ငါတို့မကစားရတာစိတ်ဆင်းရဲဖို့ကောင်းလိုက်တာ။  像猪像狗咱不得食,贫穷困苦咱不得玩。  Pigs and dogs that we are, we don't get enough to eat; poor as we are, we don't get to enjoy ourselves.   glieh ① [syn.] / klieh ①.

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