Results for 'meng'Results for 'meng'

Entries in Wa Dictionary Database Matching 'meng' (exact) in Selected Field

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meng / meung: / meng /mɤŋ/  adv-pre. <vh>   / <vh>   အထူး 专门 zhuānmén specially, especially, exclusively.  :  Gix meng dix bōun qax. / Kix meung: tix pon chax.  သူတို့က အထူးသဖြင့် လက်ဖက်ရွက်ခူးကြတယ်။  他们专门摘茶。  They pick tea exclusively.   nīe nbloun ①, nāng1, juang meng [syn.] / nie blon: ①, nang1, cuang meng. /ƒ0.0165/ /ƒ10/

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