Results for 'ndim'Results for 'ndim'

Entries in Wa Dictionary Database Matching 'ndim' (one_only) in Selected Field

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ndim2 / dim:2 / dim /dim/    n. <kaox,saex>   / <khaox,saux>   ကျွတ်နွယ် 细藤子,细苦楝子,苦楝果,买麻藤((藤本,可入药,果实似藤子果,可食) xìténgzi, xìkǔliànzi, kùliànguǒ, mǎimáténg (téng běn, kě rù yào, guǒshí sì téngziguǒ, kě shí) common jointfir (Gnetum montanum, vine with edible fruit, fruit and stems also used medicinally).    vt. ချည်နှောင်- 捆,缛(指用细藤子缚) kǔn, rù (zhǐ yòng xìténgzǐ fù) bind (with a dim vine).  :  ndim dēi. / dim: te.  မြှားကိုချည်နှောင်တယ်။  缚箭羽。  bind arrow vane feathers.   blix ndim, hnu ndim, kaox ndim [syn.] / plix dim:, nhu: dim:, khaox dim:. /ƒ0.0268/ /ƒ6/

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