Results for 'soxla'Results for 'soxla'

Entries in Wa Dictionary Database Matching 'soxla' (exact) in Selected Field

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soxla [soux lā] /soʔ la̤/    n. <tosat>   မြေခွေး 孤,狐狸,赤孤 hú, húli, chìhú fox, red fox (Vulpes vulpes [Vulpes bowdich]).    n. <tosat>   ဝံပုလွေ 狼,毛狗,豺狼 láng, máogǒu, cháiláng wolf, grey wolf (Canis lupus).   sox praix [syn.].  braog, jheeh mhaik . [sox + ?Hawx 狼]. /ƒ8/

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