Updated 3/22/02


S = Supported

U = Unsupported

P = Partially Supported (sometimes different syntax, sometimes only some features)

? = Needs verification



Every line in a WinCALIS script must begin with one of the following marker characters:


S          @            Default              As needed - may occur anywhere in script

S          #          Task label     One per task  - must occur in every task (max. 15 characters)

U          K            Keyboard            One per script - may occur anywhere, but will take effect at start

U          L             Default font            One per script, (e.g.,  LArial) - may occur anywhere, but will

                                                take effect at start

S          C            Lesson desc.            One per line of lesson description

S          !            Directions            One per line of directions  - may occur in any task

S          /           Text                        One per line of text - may occur in any task

S          ?            Question            One per line of question - must occur in every task but #0 or #end

U          %            Variable            As needed - variable declaration and initialization, of form

                                    %stringvariable1$="value" or %numvariable=integer value

S          +            Correct answer  One per correct answer - at least one must occur in every task

S          -           Incorr. answer  One per anticipated error - may occur in any task

S          =            Neutral repeat            One per anticipated neutral response - may occur in any task

                        response            (reexecute every statement in task afterwards)

S          $            Neutral no-rep.       One per anticipated neutral response  - may occur in any task

                        response            (do not reexecute statements in task afterwards)

S          &            Spillover line            As needed  - may follow +,-,=, or $ statements

S          #0                                 This is the first task executed in every CALIS script.

S          #end                             This is the last task executed in every CALIS script.





Within correct answer and anticipated incorrect statements, the following

characters have special significance.


S          ^            Matches any single character

S          [ ]            Matches any one of the enclosed characters

S          [n1-n9]            Matches any one of the enclosed characters in Unicode sequence n1 .. n9

S          *            Matches any sequence of characters within word

S          &            Matches any sequence of characters, including blanks and null character

S          |            Matches alternatives separated by vertical bar

S          { | }            Matches any one of enclosed possibilities (separated by vertical bars)





S          ;            Separates anticipated student response from corresponding feedback.

                        Used in correct (+)  incorrect (-) and neutral (=, $) response statements.

S          \            Allows literal use of ; and wild card characters within student

                        response.  Place \ before the character.  Example: The statement

                        +\&;(feedback) will reply 'Correct' and give appropriate feedback if

                        the student enters the character & (and only &).





Special responses occur in the student answer portion of anticipated response statements. All

CALIS special responses,  commands, and options are composed of one or more keywords in

capital letters, which are surrounded by opening and closing angle brackets (< >). Keywords

must be separated by one or more delimiters.  Delimiters include the space character ( ), the

colon (:), the semicolon (;), and the comma (,).  Multiple delimiters are permitted.


U          <BUTTON name [CLICKED|CHECKED|UNCHECKED]> Defines action by WinCALIS if

                                                                        student clicks (checks, doesn't check)

                                                                        hot button created with <BUTTON> command.

U          <BUTTON name1 DRAGDROP name2>            Defines action by WinCALIS if student drags

                                                                        and drops hot button name1 created with

                                                                        <BUTTON> command onto hot button name2.


U          <ENTER>            Accepts pressing the [Enter] key (with no other characters typed)

                                    as a student response.  May be used in a correct answer (+) or

                                    anticipated incorrect response (-), and may be followed by a

                                    separator (;) and appropriate feedback.


U          <GIVEUP>            Defines action by WinCALIS if student ends task with the Giveup key

                        [F6]).  Must be used in an anticipated incorrect (-) statement,

                        and should be followed by a separator (;) and appropriate feedback.


P          <HOTSPOT name [0,0,100,100]>             Defines action by WinCALIS if student clicks on

                                                            hot area of a graphic. By default 100%,

                                                            restricted to a smaller area by parameters.


U          <IF:response$ = variable$>            Defines action by WinCALIS if the student's text

U          <IF:mark$ = variable$>                      response, stored in response$, or text marked,

U            <IF:numvariable LT|=|GT value>   stored in mark$, matches the value of variable$,

                                                            or expression numvariable=value returns true. Valid

                                                            operators are 'LT' (less than), '=' (equal to), and 'GT'

                                                            (greater than).


U          <KEY 'x'>                                    Defines action taken immediately by WinCALIS if student

U          <KEY SHIFT 'x'>                   presses the 'x' key, the shifted 'x' key, or the 'x' key

U          <KEY CONTROL 'x'>               with the Ctrl key or Ctrl+Shift keys depressed, without

U          <KEY CONTROL SHIFT 'x'>            pressing [Enter]. 'CONTROL' and 'SHIFT' not case-sensitive.

U          <KEY ANY>                                    Defines action taken immediately by WinCALIS if any key is


U          <KEY controlkey>                   Defines action taken immediately by WinCALIS if one of the

                                                            following control keys is pressed: SHIFT,CONTROL,ALT,








U          <MOUSE mark1 mark2>            Defines action by WinCALIS if student clicks on the hot

                                                            rectangular area with upper left corner at mark1 and

                                                            lower right corner at mark2.


U          <OR>               Defines action by WinCALIS if any special response in a series separated

                                    by <OR> operators is true. E.g,

                                    +<MOUSE yes1 yes2><OR><KEY 'y'>;feedback.

                                    May not be used in combination with text responses.


U          <PASS>            Defines action by WinCALIS if student passes a task with one of the

                                    Pass keys (gray [+], Ctrl+PageDown, gray [-], Ctrl+PageUp).  Must be used

                                    in an anticipated incorrect (-) statement, and should be followed by a separator

                                    (;) and appropriate feedback.


U            <PASSBACK>          Defines action by WinCALIS if student passes back on a task with Pass Back

                                    key grey [-] or Ctrl+PageUp or the Pass Back menu item).  Must be used in

                                    an anticipated incorrect (-) statement, and should be followed by a separator

                                    (;) and appropriate feedback.


U          <+KEY>            Accepts pressing the grey "+" or "-" key on the numeric keypad as a

U          <-KEY>                        student response. May be used in correct answer (+) or anticipated

                                    incorrect answer (-) statements and may be followed by a separator

                                    (;) and appropriate feedback. May not be used in tasks which contain

                                    <PASS> or <PASSBACK> special responses.





The following commands may occur in directions (!), text (/) and question (?)

statements, and in the response portion of correct answer (+), incorrect answer (-), and neutral response  (=, $) statements.


In the following, [W] indicates an optional window designation keyword which

may or may not occur in the command.  Accepted window keywords here

include QUESTION, TEXT, D, DIR, or F1 .. F10.  (Do not include the brackets

[ ] in actual CALIS commands.)  Abbreviations are marked with braces (curly

brackets {}).


S          <ADD: one, two, ..>Add tasks one, two, .. to secondary task list

S          <ADD: 1--5.6>                        Add tasks 1 through 5.6 (physical order) to secondary task list

U          <ASSIGN: a=b>     Assign the value b to the variable a

U          <ASSIGN: n=n+1>Increment variable n

P          <AUDIO: XXX>                 Audio command {<AUD>}

U            <AUDIO: clipname>                                 Play audio clip clipname

U            <AUDIO: DELETE file.wav>                        Delete audio file

U            <AUDIO: LEFT>                          Play left channel

U            <AUDIO: PAUSE>                                   Pause audio

P            <AUDIO: PLAY filename.wav>                        Play digital audio wave file

U            <AUDIO: RESUME>                                Resume audio

U            <AUDIO: RECORD file.wav millisecs>            Record student

U            <AUDIO: RIGHT>                         Play right channel

U            <AUDIO: STEREO>                                 Play both channels (stereo)

U          <BEEP [# of beeps]>            Make a beeping noise from 2 to 10 times

S          <BLACK>                        Black color {<BLK>}

S          <BLANK [W]>                        Erase current window (or window W) {<BLA>}

S          <BLUE>                        Blue color {<B>}

S          <BOLD>                        Toggle on and off bold screen attribute {<BO>}

S          <BROWN>                        Brown color

U          <BUTTON name CREATE,"Label" [NORMAL w,h]>            Create button 'name' with ANSI

                                                                                                "Label"(max. 55 characters)

                                                                                                [w pixels wide, h pixels high]

                                                                                                'Name' max. 9 characters.

U          <BUTTON name CREATE,"Label" STATIC|OWNERDRAW w,h>   Create button 'name' with

                                                                                                Unicode "Label"(max.55 chars.)

                                                                                                w pixels wide, h pixels high]


                                                                                                checkbox, groupbox, or radio

                                                                                                button 'name' with ANSI "Text"

                                                                                                w pixels wide, h pixels high]

U          <BUTTON name FCOLOR|BCOLOR COLORNAME>            Assign color to button

U          <BUTTON name FLASH n>                                                Flash button n times

U          <BUTTON name STATE ENABLE|DISABLE|SHOW|HIDE|CHECK>  Set state of hot button

S          <CENTER>                        Center the current line of text onscreen {<CE>}

U          <CLEAR [W]>                        Erase current window (or window W) from cursor onwards {<CLE>}

U          <CLEAR [W] LINE>   Erase line from cursor position to right margin

U          <CLEAR [W] LINE LEFT>  Erase line from cursor position back to left margin

U          <CLOSE: window>            Close DIR or tutorial window Fn opened with

<POPUP..NOLOCK> command

U          <CLOSE: F12>                 Close F12 E-mail/editor window F12 opened with <POPUP F12>

S            <COLOR:colorname>(Supported in WebCALIS only!)

U          <COMMENT>                        Ignore rest of current line in generating *.WCL file

U          <CORRECT [length][#task]>Puts the first anticipated correct answer on

                                                            the screen {<COR>}

U          <CURSOR [W]: mark>                    Set cursor in current window (or window W) to

                                                            point 'mark' defined with <MARK:mark> {<CUR>}

U          <CURSOR [W]: #r, #c>                   Set cursor in current window (or window W) to

                                                            specified row number #r and column number #c{<CUR>}

U          <CURSOR [W]: +#r, -#c>    Move cursor in current window (or window W) plus or

                                                            minus #r row units and #c column units from current

                                                            cursor position {<CUR>}

S          <CYAN>                        Cyan color

U          <D>                              Switch to D window and set it to pop up at bottom of screen

U          <DELAY: #>                        Delay # seconds before continuing

U          <DELAY: OFF>                Terminate any previously issued DELAY command

S          <DELETE: one,two,..>            Delete tasks one,two,.. from task lists {<DEL>}

S          <DELETE: 1--5.6>      Delete tasks 1 through 5.6 (physical order) from task lists

U          <DIR>                           Switch to directions window

S          <DKBLUE>                        Dark blue color

S          <DKCYAN>                        Dark cyan color

S          <DKGRAY>                        Dark gray color

S          <DKGREEN>                        Dark green color

S            <DKPURPLE>                      Dark purple color

S          <DKRED>                        Dark red color

U          <DONE: tasklabel>            Determine whether task 'tasklabel' has been done

                                                and store result in global variable "result"

U          <DRAW: object_name, object_type[, width, height, border_thickness, border_color, fill_color]>

                                                Draw an object. Parameters: object_name uniquely identifies an

                                                object (currently supported object_types are BOX for a box,

                                                LINE for a straight line, and ELLIPSE for circles and ellipses);

                                                width: width of the object in pixels (x increment from the

                                                current position); height: height of the object in

                                                pixels (y increment from the current position);

                                                border_thickness: thickness of the border in pixels; border_color:

                                                color of the border pixels; fill_color: inside color of object.

U            <EXEC:program.exe>Execute program with filename 'program.exe' {<E>}

U          <EXPORT NEW|APPEND filename>            Export contents of current window to a file

U          <EXPORT F12 NEW|APPEND filename>          Save contents of F12 E-mail/editor window

U          <F1> .. <F10>               Switch to indicated tutorial window

U          <FILL>                          Used to generate a blank of specified size or, by

                                                default, the size of the longest correct answer

U            <FILL[#][#task][char]>Print # number of characters specified by char, or

                                                print blank based on longest answer in #task

S          <FONT fontname>         Set font for the current line

S            <FONTSIZE:size>       Font size change {<FS>}

S            <FONTSIZE:TINY>

S            <FONTSIZE:FINE>

S            <FONTSIZE:SMALL>

S            <FONTSIZE:MEDIUM>

S            <FONTSIZE:LARGE>

S            <FONTSIZE:XLARGE>

S            <FONTSIZE:HUGE>

S            <FONTSIZE:nn>            nn = point size (supported in WebCALIS only!)

U          <GLUE filename>          "Glue on" additional WinCALIS task database files to the

                                                original WinCALIS script.  Often used with <RANDOM>

U            <GOTO:tasklabel>      Jump to task (used in feedbacks)

S            <GRAPHIC:X.ext [name]>            Display the graphic file X.ext (BMP, JPG, JPEG,

                                                PNG, and WMF formats currently supported) [and

                                                assign it 'name'] {<GR>} (WebCALIS also supports GIF,

                                                PIC, does not support WMF)

S          <GRAY>                        Gray color

S          <GREEN>                        Green color {<G>}

U          <HELPFILE: myfile.hlp>        Set author-supplied Windows Help file for Author Help

                                                (in same directory as script)

U          <HELPTOPIC: topicid#>           Set topic idnumber in author-supplied Windows Help file

P          <HTTP: url>                   Display HTML Web page with address "url" in WinCALIS

                                                HTML Window (WebCALIS syntax is <HTTP://url>

U          <IF:variable LT | = | GT value>            Evaluate expression variable=value and execute

                                                            preceding command or special response if variable is

                                                            less than, equal to, or greater than value. Valid

                                                operators are 'LT' (less than), '=' (equal to), and 'GT' (greater than).

P          <IMPORT [W]: XX.X>         Import file X.XX to current window or window W {<IMP>}

S          <IMPORT [W]: URL>            Display Web page with URL as tutorial (WebCALIS only!) {<IMP>}

S          <INSERT: one, two, ..>      Insert tasks one,two, .. into primary task list {<INS>}

S          <INSERT: 1--5.6>      Insert tasks 1 through 5.6 (physical order) into

                                                primary task list

S          <ITALIC>                        Italic font {<IT>}

S          <LAST>                        Print to the screen the last student response

U            <LASTMARK>                      Print to the screen the last text marked by student

S          <LTGRAY>                        Light gray color

S          <LTGREEN>                        Light green color

S            <LTYELLOW>                      Light yellow  color

U          <MAILTO: jdoe@email>     Send contents of window to addressee via SMTP server

U          <MARK:xx>                        Mark a point in a window to which the cursor can

                                                be redirected using the cursor command(CUR:xx) {M:xx}

U          <MCICTRL: SHOW|HIDE>   Show or hide MCI Control Bar--student controls multimedia

U          <N>                              Display sequence number of current task

S          <NAME>                        Insert "Student User" in lieu of name of student

S          <OLIVE>                        Olive color

S          <ORANGE>                        Orange color

U          <PASS [n]>                        Pass forward to next task or forward n tasks

U          <PASSBACK [n]>      Pass back to previous task or back n tasks

S          <PEACH>                        Peach color

S          <PINK>                        Pink color

U          <POPHELP>                        Pop up author-supplied Windows Help file for Author Help

                                                (Help file must be set first with <HELPFILE: myfile.hlp>)

U          <POPHELP myfile.hlp [,topicid#]>            Pop up Help file and display topicid#

U          <POPUP: DIR [NOLOCK]>  Pop up directions window {<POP>}

U          <POPUP: Fn [NOLOCK]>   Pop up tutorial window Fn

U          <POPUP: F12>                 Pop up E-mail/editor window F12

U          <PRINT [W]>                        Send window contents to printer

S          <PURPLE>                        Purple color {<PUR>}

U          <QUESTION>                        Switch to Question window {<Q>}

S          <RANDOM [#] ADD|INSERT [r1--rn]>            Randomly ADD or INSERT a task or # tasks,

                                                                        optionally from range r1-rn {<RAND>}

U          <RANDOM [#] ADD|INSERT GLUE [r1--rn]  Only "glued" tasks will be used {<RAND>}

S          <RED>                        Red color {<R>}

U          <REPORT>                        Display a detailed task-by-task score report

S          <REVERSE>                        Toggle on and off reverse-video screen attribute {<RV>}

U          <SET parameter [value, OFF]>   Gives certain numeric values that remain in

                                                            place until changed or removed with another

                                                            <SET> command.

U            <SET:ANSWER #>                        Set number of characters a student may type

                                                            (used together with <LEN> option)

U            <SET: CORRECT #>                Set number of characters, including trailing blanks,

                                                            to be printed with <CORRECT> command

U            <SET:DIG>

U            <SET:FILL #>                                Set number of characters, including trailing blanks,

                                                            to be printed with <FILL> command

U            <SET:Fn DISABLE>                    Disable Shift+Fn key for listed Fn window

U            <SET:Fn ENABLE>                     Enable Shift+Fn key for listed Fn window

U            <SET:Fn SCROLL ON>            Enable scrolling within listed Fn window

U            <SET:Fn SCROLL OFF>            Disable scrolling within listed Fn window

U            <SET FONT fontname>         Set font for window

U            <SET:LANG langname>        Use "langname.ini" to set pixel heights for standard

                                                            fontsizes for subsequent fonts

U            <SET:LAST #>                    Set number of characters, including trailing blanks,

                                                to be printed with <LAST> command

U            <SET:PASS #>                    Set pass rate to #%. Range is 0-99. Default is 75%.

U            <SET:TIME OFF>                Turn timer off

U            <SET:TIME ON>                 Turn timer on

U            <SET:TIME[+]00:00:00>        Set time during which task(s) must be performed. If

                                                            + parameter is used, adds to already available time

U            <SET:[W] ATTRIBUTE BOLD>            Set window font to bold {<SET:[W] ATTR BO>}

U            <SET:[W] ATTRIBUTE ITALIC>            Set window font to italics {<SET:[W] ATTR IT>}

U            <SET:[W] ATTRIBUTE STRIKEOUT>    Set window font to strikeout {<SET:[W] ATTR SO>}

U            <SET:[W] ATTRIBUTE UNDERLINE>    Set window font to underline {<SET:[W] ATTR UL>}

U            <SET:[W] ATTRIBUTE [NORMAL]>      Set window font to normal {<SET:[W] ATTR [NO]>}

U            <SET:[W] BCOLOR color>            Set window background color {<SET: BC color>}

U            <SET:[W] FCOLOR color>            Set window foreground (text) color {<SET: FC color>}

U            <SET:[W] FONTSIZE size>                        Set window fontsize to size {<SET: FS size>}

U          <SIZE [W]: a%, b%, x%, y%>                        Size current window (or window W) to upper

                                                                        left corner down a%, and over b%, and lower

                                                                        right corner down x%, and over y%

U          <SIZE [W]: +a%, +b%, +x%, -y%>     Resize current window (or window W) upper

                                                                        left corner down plus or minus a%, over

                                                                        plus or minus b%, and lower right corner

                                                                        down plus or minus x%, and over plus or

                                                                        minus y%

U          <SIZE [W]: AUTO [a%,b%]>                        Size window automatically to fit text, with

                                                                        upper left corner either at default 25%

                                                                        down and 25% over or at a% down and

                                                                        b% over (used after last line of text in window)

U          <SIZE TEXT: HIGH>  Automatically size Text window at top of screen

U          <SIZE TEXT: LOW>   Automatically size Text window at bottom of screen

S            <SPELLMARK>            Mark up spelling of response against first correct answer {<SPMK>}

S            <SPELLCHECK>            (Synonym of <SPELLMARK>) {<SPCK>}

S            <SPELLMARK:word>          Mark up spelling of response against word or phrase {<SPMK>}

U            <SUBST:var$>                      Substitute value of variable at this point in script

U          <TAB:n>                        Tab to nth tab stop

U          <TEXT>            Switch to text window {<T>}

U          <TOPLINE [W]: #r>            Set row number #r to top of current window (or window W)

U          <TOPLINE [W]: mark>        Set row of mark to top of current window (or window W)

S          <TUTNAME>                        Display name of tutorial in title bar and in Tutorial menu {<TN>}

S            <UNDERLINE>                      Toggle on and off underline screen attribute {<UL>}

U          <UNGLUE: tasks>  Release glued tasks

U          <VIDEO>                        Video commands {<VID>} (see also <MCICTRL>)

U            <VIDEO: AUDIO STEREO>                        Play both audio tracks

U            <VIDEO: AUDIO LINE1>              Play videodisc track 1

U            <VIDEO: AUDIO LINE2>              Play videodisc track 2

U            <VIDEO: AUDIO NONE>              Play video without audio 

U            <VIDEO: CUE>                           Cue video to starting frame

U            <VIDEO: FRAME 0,0,100,100>            Crop image to frame percent of image

U            <VIDEO: HIDE>                           Hide video

U            <VIDEO: LINE1> (<VIDEO:LASER>)            Play video from Source 1

U            <VIDEO: LINE2>  (<VIDEO:VCR>)            Play video from Source 2

U            <VIDEO: LOC TL>                                   Show video in top left corner of screen

U            <VIDEO: LOC TC>                                   Show video in top center part of screen

U            <VIDEO: LOC TR>                                   Show video in top right corner of screen

U            <VIDEO: LOC CE>                                  Show video in center of screen

U            <VIDEO: LOC LL>                                   Show video in lower left corner of screen

U            <VIDEO: LOC LC>                                   Show video in lower center part of screen

U            <VIDEO: LOC LR>                                   Show video in lower right corner of screen

U            <VIDEO: LOC 0,0>                                  Show video at pixel coordinates 0,0

U            <VIDEO: LOC mark>                               Locate video at mark

U            <VIDEO: PAUSE>                                   Pause video

U            <VIDEO: PLAY clipname>                        Play video clip and leave last frame on screen

U            <VIDEO: PLAYHIDE clipname>            Play video clip, then hide it

U            <VIDEO: PLAYSND clipname>                        Play audio portion of video only

U            <VIDEO: RESUME>                                Resume video

U            <VIDEO: SHOW>                                    Show video

U            <VIDEO: SIZE AREA 0,0,100,100>            Customize video area to percent of screen

U            <VIDEO: SIZE FULL>                              Show video full screen

U            <VIDEO: SIZE QUARTER>                        Show video in quarter screen

U            <VIDEO: SIZE EIGHTH>              Show video in eighth screen

U            <VIDEO: SIZE SIXTEENTH>                        Show video in sixteenth screen

U            <VIDEO: STOP>                         Stop video

U          <VOICE keyword [parameter]>                        Speech            recognition commands

U            <VOICE: CALIBRATE>                Calibrate microphone level

U            <VOICE: CONFIG configfile.cfg>            Declare speech recognition configuration file

U            <VOICE: VOCAB VOCABNAME>Load speech recognition vocabulary

U            <VOICE: SYNTAX SYNTAXNAME [latticefile]>       Load speech recognition syntax

U            <VOICE: ADDSYNTAX SYNTAXNAME "pattern"> Add syntax “pattern” to existing syntax

U            <VOICE: RECOG SYNTAXNAME [speech_file]>    Send text to speech recognizer

U            <VOICE: SAVE filename>                        Save last speech recognition utterance to file

U            <VOICE: PLAY [filename]>                        Play last speech recognition utterance or speech file

U            <VOICE: PITCHTRACK filename>            Extract pitchtrack of current utterance to file

U          <WHILE: variable LT | = | GT value>   Execute loop while variable is less than, equal to, or

                                                                        greater than value. Valid operators are 'LT' (less than),

                                                                        '=' (equal to), and 'GT' (greater than).

S          <WHITE>                                                White color {<WHI>}

S          <YELLOW>                                                Yellow color{<YEL>}





Global variables are used independently or with <ASSIGN> and <SUBST> commands.


U          mark$               Stores text marked with mouse by student

U          response$            Stores text of last student response (Same as <LAST> command)

U          result                Stores result (0 [false] or 1 [true]) of certain commands, such as <DONE>

U          time_left$            Stores time remaining of <SET TIME: 00:00:00> as string nn:nn:nn

U          time_left            Stores time remaining of <SET TIME: 00:00:00> as integer in seconds

U          time_allowed            Stores time allowed of <SET TIME: 00:00:00> as integer in seconds


Speech recognition global variables:

U            v_wordnameN$            Stores word values in last utterance (where N has the value 1-10)

U            v_wordinfoN$                        Stores extra word info in last utterance (where N has the value 1-10)

U            v_wordscoreN                Stores word scores in last utterance (where N has the value 1-10)

U            v_lowwordname$            Stores lowest-confidence word in last utterance

U            v_lowscore                        Stores confidence score of lowest-confidence word in last utterance




These may occur in default (@) or task label (#) statements.  Those that

occur in default statements govern all tasks that follow.  Those that occur

in task label statements govern only that task.  In the following, the task

options marked * are the initial defaults set by WinCALIS.  Abbreviations are

marked with braces (curly brackets {}).


S          *            <ACCENT>            Require correct placement of accents {<ACC>}

S                      <NOACCENT>          Ignore accents and diacritical marks in student responses



U                      <ALL>              Require student to match all correct answers in a task

U                      <ALL:n>            Require student to match n correct answers in a task

S          *            <ANY>            Allow student to match any single correct answer in    

                                                a task

S                      <BLANK>            Clear Question window for each task {<BLA>}

S?        *            <NOBLANK>            Leave questions on screen after completion {<NOBL>}


S          *            <CAPITAL>            Require correct capitalization {<CAP>}

S                      <NOCAPITAL>          Ignore capitalization in student responses{<NOCAP>}


U          *           <D>                        Show feedback to student responses in the D window

U                      <NOD>            Show feedback to student responses in the Question window


S                      <GIVE:n>            Allow the student to give up after n trys


U?        *            <GIVEUP>            Allow the student to see the correct answer to a task by

                                                pressing the F6 key if at least one attempt has been made

                                                to answer the question.

U?                    <NOGIVEUP>            The "give up" feature is disabled.  The student cannot be

                                                shown the correct answer.  {<NOGIVE>}


U                      <GROUP:grouptask[,exitgrouptask]> Identifies group tasks to be executed

                                                upon entry to and exit from group


U                      <GROUPLOCK> Prevents the student from passing out of the current

                                                group until all tasks in the group are completed.


U          *            <KEY>            Allow keyboard input

U                      <NOKEY>            Do not allow keyboard input, hide blinking caret


U                      <LENGTH>            Limit number of characters student may type to

                                                length of longest anticipated correct answer {<LEN>}

U                      <LENGTH:n>            Limit number of characters student may type to

                                                n characters (<LENGTH:0> same as <LENGTH>). {<LEN>}

U          *            <NOLENGTH>          Student may type unlimited characters {<NOLEN>}


S          *            <MAXTRIES:#>  Set a maximum number of student attempts after            

                                                which the correct answer is shown and the task

                                                is scored incorrect.


U          *            <MOUSE>            Show mouse hand cursor

U                      <NOMOUSE>            Do not show mouse hand cursor


S          *            <PASS>            Allow students to pass a task {<PAS>}

U                      <PASSBACK>          Same as <PASS> but only goes into effect when student

                                                passes backwards with the gray '-' key, Ctrl+PageUp or Ctrl+P

S                      <NOPASS>            Do not allow students to pass a task {<NOPA>}


U          *            <PRAISE>            Show feedback to student responses (initially, 'Correct'

                                                or 'Incorrect') {<PR>}

U                      <NOPRAISE>            Disengage the above feature {<NOPR>}


S          *            <PUNCT>            Require correct placement of punctuation {<PUN>}

S                      <NOPUNCT>            Ignore punctuation in student responses {<NOPU>}


U                      <QUIZ>Turn on "Quiz" mode, require student to log

                                                in and record student responses in disk file 'nameSSno.scr'.


U                      <REPEAT>            Allow completed or deleted task to be reinserted with an

                                                <ADD> or <INSERT> command {<REP>}

U          *            <NOREPEAT>          Ignore all further reference to a completed or deleted

                                                task {<NOR>}


S          *            <SCORE>            Count a task in final student score {<SCO>}

S                      <NOSCORE>            Do not count a task in final student score {<NOSC>}


U?        *            <SHOW>            Show correct answer if student gives up

U?                    <NOSHOW>            Do not show correct answer if student gives up {<NOSH>}


                                                            Rev. 3/22/02