A BIBLIOGRAPHY OF RECENT ENGLISH PUBLICATIONS ON CHAN / ZEN / SON BUDDHISM (1977-1992) 禅仏教に関する近年の英文刊行物一覧 compiled by Urs APP ウルス・アップ Included : 収録されているもの 1) English book or article publications on Chan / Son / Zen from approx. 1977 to 1992. Comprehensive coverage may always remain an elusive goal of bibliographies; nevertheless, an attempt was made to cover at least the academic literature in English on Chan / Son / Zen of these fifteen years. 2) English dictionaries and bibliographic works from the same period. For a much more comprehensive and annotated survey of such works see App, Urs. 1993. "Reference Works for Chan Studies." Cahiers d'Extre^me-Asie 7. 3) Unpublished and forthcoming publications and reports on work in progress. 1)禅に関する約1977年から1992年までの英文の書籍あるいは論文の出版物。完全に網羅しようとすることは文献一覧作成において、いつも手からすべり抜けて行く目標たりつづけるのかもしれない。それでも、最小限、ここ十五年間の禅に関するアカデミックな文献を網羅しようと試みた。 2)上記の時期に属する英文の辞書類と文献一覧類。こうした著作に関する、より詳細で注のついた一覧については、次を参照。App, Urs. 1993. "Reference Works for Chan Studies." Cahiers d'Extre^me-Asie 7. 3)未刊及び近刊物、また進行中の仕事の報告。 Not Included 収録されていないもの: 1) Works in languages other than English. 2) Most articles which appeared in pamphlets and newsletters published by Zen centers, martial arts centers, etc. 3) Most publications on general Buddhist-Christian dialogue. 4) The majority of literature on Western philosophy and Buddhism in general. Literature by or about the Kyoto school (Nishida etc.) is only included where Zen is specifically targeted. 5) Most publications on Japanese arts (tea ceremony, Noh, haiku, etc.). 6) Interviews. 7) The majority of publications on Zen And ...., from motorcycle maintenance through the yin-yang-Zen cuisine to long-distance running. 8) Electronic publications. For a survey of such publications and work in progress see App, Urs. 1993. "Reference Works for Chan Studies." Cahiers d'Extre^me-Asie. 9) Book reviews (with a few exceptions). 1)英文以外の言語による著作 2)禅センター、武術センターなどのパンフレットやニュースレターに掲載された記事の大部分 3)一般的な仏教とキリスト教の対話に関する出版物の大部分 4)一般的な西洋哲学と仏教に関する文献の大多数。京都学派(西田など)によるもの、あるいはこれに関するものは、はっきりと禅が主題になっている場合に限り収録した。 5)日本の芸術(茶道、能、俳句など)に関する出版物の大部分。 6)インタヴュー 7)「禅と....」という形(禅と単車メインテナンスから禅料理をへて禅長距離走にいたるまで)の出版物の大多数。 8)電子出版物。この種類の出版物及び進行中の仕事の一覧については、次を参照。App, Urs. 1993. "Reference Works for Chan Studies." Cahiers d'Extre^me-Asie . 9)書評(少数の例外を除く) Acknowledgments 謝辞 Of particular help for the compilation of this list were the bibliographies of Gardner, Schuhmacher, and McRae as well as extensive bibliographies included in the works of Bernard Faure and Robert Buswell. Thanks also go to the authors who corrected and augmented a draft version. * Two consecutive asterisks signify that the information needs to be supplemented. * This bibliography is available in diskette format at the International Research Institute for Zen Buddhism at Hanazono University, Kyoto (Microsoft Word files, Macintosh or IBM). この一覧を作成するに当たって、特にGardner, Schuhmacher, McRae の文献一覧とともに、Bernard Faureと Robert Buswellの著作に収録されている広範な文献一覧の恩恵に浴した。また、草稿を校正し、増補して下さった著者諸氏に謝意を表したい。 ***の印は補充される必要のある情報を意味する. *この文献一覧はディスケットの形でも提供可能。花園大学国際禅学研究所(京都)にて。(マッキントッシュ・ファイル、IBMのマイクロソフトワ-ド・ファイル、NEC9801用テキスト・ファイル) ################################################## 【A】 *Abe, Masao. 1977. "Zen is not a Philosophy, but ..." 禅は哲学ではないが ... Theologische Zeitschrift 33:261-268. __________. 1978. "Emptiness is Suchness." 空即真如 Eastern Buddhist (n. s.) 11, 2: 132-136. __________. 1980. "Substance, Process and Emptiness." 物質、過程、そして空 Japanese Religions 10:**. __________. 1981a. "Hisamatsu's Philosophy of Awakening." 久松の「覚」の哲学 Trans. by Christopher A. Ives. Eastern Buddhist (n. s.) 14, 1: 26-42. __________. 1981b. "Hisamatsu Shin'ichi, 1889-1980." 久松真一(1889-1980) Eastern Buddhist (n. s.) 14, 1: 142-147. __________. 1985a. "The Self in Jung and Zen." ユング及び禅における自己 Eastern Buddhist (n. s.) 18, 1: 57-70. __________. 1985b. Zen and Western Thought 禅と西洋思想. Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press. __________. 1985c. "The Oneness of Practice and Attainment: Implications for the Relation Between Ends and Means." 修証一如:目的と手段との不可分性 LaFleur, William, ed. Dogen Studies, 99-111. Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press. __________, ed. 1986a. A Zen Life: D. T. Suzuki Remembered. 禅人生:鈴木大拙の思い出 New York: Weatherhill. __________. 1986b. "The Problem of Death in East and West: Immortality, Eternal Life, Unbornness." 東洋と西洋における死の問題:不死、不滅、不生 Eastern Buddhist (n. s.) 19, 2: 30-61. __________. 1988. "Dogen's View on Time and Space." 道元の時間と空間観 Trans. by Steven Heine. Eastern Buddhist (n. s.) 21, 2: 1-35. __________. 1992a. "What is Religion?" 宗教とは何か Eastern Buddhist (n. s.) 25, 1: 51-69. __________. 1992b. A Study of Dogen: His Philosophy and Religion. 道元研究:その哲学と宗教 Ed. by Steven Heine. Albany: State University of New York Press. __________. "Free Will in Buddhism, With Special Reference to a Buddhist View of the Holocaust." 仏教における自由意志、特に大量虐殺に対する仏教の立場との関連 Unpublished. __________, ed. Work in Progress. Collection of English translations of works by Hisamatsu Shin'ichi. 久松真一の著作の英訳集成(進行中) *Adamek, Wendi. Work in progress. Dissertation on the Lidai Fabaoji. 歴代法宝記に関する学位論文(進行中)Stanford University. *Addiss, Stephen. 1978a. "Obaku: The Art of Chinese Huang-po Monks in Japan." 日本における中国の黄檗僧の芸術Oriental Art 24, 4: 420-432. __________. 1978b. Zenga and Nanga: Paintings by Japanese Monks and Scholars. 禅画と南画:日本の僧と学者による絵画 New Orleans: New Orleans Museum. __________. 1979. "Obaku: The Calligraphy of Zen." 黄檗:禅の墨蹟 Orientations 10, 7: 41-48. __________. 1982. "Blake, Taoism and Zen." ブレイク、道教と禅 Bogan, James, and Fred Gross, eds., Sparks of Fire: Blake in a New Age, 281-287. Richmond, CA.: North Atlantic. __________. 1983a. "Obaku Sect." 黄檗宗 Kodansha Encyclopedia of Japan vol. 6, p. 47. Tokyo: Kodansha International. __________. 1983b. "Hakuin (1686-1769)." 白隱(1686-1769)Kodansha Encyclopedia of Japan vol. 3, p. 88. Tokyo: Kodansha International. __________. 1983c. "Zenga." 禅画 Kodansha Encyclopedia of Japan vol. 8, pp. 374-375. Tokyo: Kodansha International. __________. 1985. "The Revival of Zen Painting in Edo Period Japan." 日本の江戸期における禅画の復興 Oriental Art 31: 50-61. __________. 1986. "The Life and Art of Fugai Ekun (1568-1654). 風外慧薫(1568-1654)の生涯と芸術 Eastern Buddhist (n. s.) 19, 1: 59-75. __________. 1989. The Art of Zen. Paintings and Calligraphy by Japanese Monks 1600-1925. 禅芸術、日本の僧による絵画と墨蹟(1600-1925) New York: Harry N. Abrams. __________. 1990. "The Art of Zen." 禅芸術 Humanities 11: 34-35. *Addiss, Stephen, and Kwan S. Wong. 1978. Obaku: Zen Painting and Calligraphy. 黄檗:禅画と墨蹟 Lawrence, Kansas: Helen Foresman Spencer Museum of Art. *Addiss, Stephen, and Norman Waddell. Work in progress. Biographical Dictionary of Japanese Zen Artist-Priests and Calligraphers. 日本の画僧と書道家の人名辞典 *Aitken, Robert. 1978. A Zen Wave. Basho's Haiku and Zen. 禅波、芭蕉の俳句と禅 Tokyo & New York: Weatherhill. __________. 1980. "Wallace Stevens and Zen." ウォリス・スチーブンスと禅 Eastern Buddhist (n. s.) 13, 1: 46-51. __________. 1981. "The Cloud of Unknowing and the Mumonkan: Christian and Buddhist Meditation Methods." 『不可知の雲』と『無門関』 Buddhist Christian Studies 1: 87-91. __________. 1982a. Taking the Path of Zen. 禅の道に入る San Francisco: North Point Press. __________. 1982b. "Zen Practice and Psychotherapy." 禅の修行と精神療法 Journal of Transpersonal Psychology 14, 2: 161-170. __________. 1985. The Mind of Clover. Essays in Zen Buddhist Ethics. クローバの心、禅僧の倫理に関するエッセイ San Francisco: North Point Press. __________. 1986. "Play." 遊び Eastern Buddhist (n.s.) 19,1: 118-122. __________. 1989. "Wu-men-kuan, case 11, 'Chao-chou and the Hermits'." 無門関第11則、趙州と庵主 Eastern Buddhist (n.s.) 22: 78-84. __________. 1990a. The Gateless Barrier. The Wu-men kuan (Mumonkan). 無門関 San Francisco: North Point Press. __________. 1990b. The Dragon Who Never Sleeps. 決して眠ることのない龍 **: Larkspur Press. kizuki, Ryomin. 1991. New Mahayana: Buddhism for the Post-Modern World. 新大乗:ポストモダンの世界のための仏教 Trans. by James Heisig & Paul Swanson. Berkeley: Asian Humanities Press. *Allinson, Robert E. 1988. "Taoism in the Light of Zen - An Exercise in Inter-Cultural Hermeneutics." 禅から見た道教-比較文化解釈学の試み Kyoto Seminar for Religious Philosophy: Annual Report of Kyoto Zen Symposium 6: 23-38. __________. 1991. The Gateless Barrier: The Wu-men-kuan (Mumonkan). 無門関 San Francisco: North Point Press. *Akamatsu, Toshihide; and Philip Yampolsky. 1977. "Muromachi Zen and the Gozan system." 室町の禅と五山の組織 Hall, John W.; and Toyoda, Takeshi (eds.). Japan in the Muromachi Age, 313-329. Berkeley: University of California, 1977. *Akishige, Yoshiharu, ed. 1977. Psychological Studies on Zen (2 vols.). 禅に関する心理学的研究 Tokyo: Komazawa University. *Amphoux, Nancy. 1986. Diary of a Zen Nun. 禅尼の日記 New York: Dutton. *An, Pyong-jik. 1980. "Han Yong-un's Liberalism: An Analysis of the 'Reformation of Korean Buddhism'." 韓龍雲のリベラリズム:「韓国仏教の改革」の分析 Korea Journal 19, 12: 13-18. *Andersen, David Lloyd. 1979. The Influence of Zen Buddhism on Modern Western Art. 禅仏教の近代西洋芸術への影響 M.A. thesis, Brigham Young University. *Antinoff, Steven. 1990. The Problem of the Human Person and the Resolution to that Problem in the Religio-Philosophical Thought of the Zen Master Shin'ichi Hisamatsu. 禅匠久松真一の宗教哲学思想における人間存在の問題とその解決 Ph.D. diss., Temple University. *Aoyama, Shundo. 1990. Zen Seeds. Reflections of a Female Priest. 禅の種子:尼の思い出 Tokyo: **. *App, Urs Erwin. 1987. "Chan/Zen's Greatest Encyclopaedist Mujaku Dochu (1653-1744)." 禅最大の百科全書家、無著道忠 Cahiers d'Extr仁e-Asie 3: 155-174. __________. 1989. Facets of the Life and Teaching of Chan Master Yunmen Wenyan 864-949. 雲門文偃禅師の生涯と教えの諸相 Ph. D. dissertation, Temple University. __________. 1991a. The Electronic Bodhidharma (No. 1). 電子達摩(第一号) Kyoto: International Research Institute for Zen Buddhism. __________. 1991b. "The Making of a Chan Record". 禅録の形成 Annual Report from the Institute for Zen Studies (Zenbunka kenkyujo kiyo) 17: 1-90. __________. 1991c. "A Series of Chan Texts Translated into Korean." 韓国語に翻訳された一連の禅文献 Newsletter of the International Research Institute for Zen Buddhism 2: 24-25. __________. 1991d. "Zen Dictionaries and Reference Works." 禅の辞書と参考図書 Newsletter of the International Research Institute for Zen Buddhism 2: 26-35. __________. 1992. The Electronic Bodhidharma (No. 2). 電子達摩(第二号)Kyoto: International Research Institute for Zen Buddhism. __________. Forthcoming. Sources of Zen vol. 1: Master Yunmen. 禅の源泉第一巻:雲門禅師(近刊) New York: Kodansha America. __________. Forthcoming. "Science, Philosophy, and Religion." 科学・哲学・宗教(近刊)Kyoto Seminar for Religious Philosophy: Annual Report of Kyoto Zen Symposium 10 (1993). __________. Work in progress. "Dun 頓 and Meister Eckhart." マイスター・エックハルトにおける頓(進行中) __________. Work in progress. The Records of Huangbo. 黄檗の語録(進行中) *App, Urs, and Michel Mohr. Work in progress. Chan, Son, and Zen Texts in Translation. An Annotated Bibliography. 翻訳された中国・韓国・日本の禅文献:注解付文献一覧 Kyoto: International Research Institute for Zen Buddhism. *App, Urs, and Nishiguchi Yoshio. The Records of Deshan. 徳山録(進行中) *Appelbaum, David. 1983. "On Turning a Zen Ear." 禅の耳を向ける時 Philosophy East and West 33: 115-122. *Aranow, Philip T. 1988. Psychoanalytic Theories of the Self: A Review and Critique from a Buddhist Perspective. 自己の精神分析理論:仏教的観点からの吟味と批判 Ph.D. diss., Harvard University. *Arntzen, Sonja. 1986. Ikkyu and the Crazy Cloud Anthology. A Zen Poet of Medieval Japan. 一休と「狂雲集」選、日本中世の詩僧 Tokyo: University of Tokyo Press. *Augustine, Morris J. 1986. "Zen and Benedictine Monks as Mythopoetic Models of Nonegocentered World-Views and Life Styles." 無我的世界観と生活様式という神話形成モデルとしての禅僧とベネディクト派修道士 Buddhist Christian Studies 5: 23-49. *Austin, James H. 1991. "Zen and the Brain: The Construction and Dissolution of the Self." 禅と脳:自己の形成と消滅 Eastern Buddhist (n. s.) 24, 2: 69-97. *Awakawa, Yasuichi. 1978. Zen Painting. 禅画 Trans. by John Bester. Tokyo: Kodansha International. 【B】 *Bancroft, Anne. 1979. Zen. Direct Pointing at Reality. 禅、現実の直指 London: Thames & Hudson. *Barnet, Sylvan, and William Burto. 1982. Zen Ink Paintings. 禅の墨画 Tokyo: Kodansha International. *Baroni, Helen. 1991. "Obaku Zen - An Introduction." 黄檗禅入門 Japanese Religions 17, 1: 31-49. __________. 1993. Dissertation on Obaku-Zen in Japan.日本の黄檗禅に関する学位論文 Columbia University. *Barrett, Timothy Hugh. 1988. "Kill the patriarchs!" 祖を殺せ!A paper presented at The Buddhist Forum, SOAS, May 11, 1988. __________. 1989. "Arthur Waley, D. T. Suzuki and Hu Shih: New Light on the 'Zen and History' Controversy." アーサー・ウェイリー、鈴木大拙、胡適:「禅と歴史」論争に対する新観点 Buddhist Studies Review 6, no. 2: 116-121. __________. 1991. "The Date of the Leng-chia shih-tzu chi." 楞伽師資記の成立時期 Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society series 3, 1, 2: 255-259. __________. Work in progress. "On Ch'an Language and Orality in Written Form." 禅の言葉と文語内の口語(進行中) To appear in Welter, Albert F., and John McRae, eds. Work in Progress. Creating the World of Zen: The Transmission of Sung Dynasty Ch'an Buddhism Throughout East Asia. *Batchelor, Stephen. 1990. The Faith to Doubt: Glimpses of Buddhist Uncertainty. 信から疑:仏教的不安定の瞥見 Berkeley: Parallax Press. *Beck, Charlotte Joko. 1989. Everyday Zen: Love and Work. 日常禅:愛と仕事 Ed. by Steve Smith. San Francisco: Harper & Row. *Becker, Susan K., and Bruce D. Forman. 1989. "Zen Buddhism and the Psychotherapy of Milton Erickson: A Transcendence of Theory and Self." 禅仏教とミルトン・エリックソンの精神療法:理論と自己の超越 Psychology: A Journal of Human Behavior 26, 2-3: 39-48. *Bellah, Robert N. 1985. "The Meaning of Dogen Today." 道元の現代的意味 LaFleur, William, ed. Dogen Studies, 150-158. Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press. *Benares, Camden. 1985. Zen without Zen Masters. 禅師のいない禅 Phoenix: Falcon Press. __________. 1990. Handful of Zen. ひと握りの禅 Phoenix, Ariz.: Golden Dawn. *Benoit, Hubert. 1990. Zen and the Psychology of Transformation: The Supreme Doctrine (rev. ed.). 禅と変容の心理学:至高の教理 Rochester, VT.: Inner Traditions. *Berg, Stephen. 1989. Crow with No Mouth: Ikkyu, 15th Century Zen Master: 口のない烏:15世紀の禅師、一休 Port Townsend, WA.: Copper Canyon Press. *Berling, Judith A. 1987. "Bringing the Buddha Down to Earth: Notes on the Emergence of Ylu as a Buddhist Genre." 仏陀を地上へ持ってくること:仏教文学としての語録の台頭に関する覚書 History of Religions 21: 56-88. *Berry, Scott. 1989. A Stranger in Tibet. The Adventures of a Wandering Zen Monk. チベットの異邦人、雲水の冒険 Tokyo: Kodansha. *Besserman, Perle, and Steger, Manfred. 1991. Crazy Clouds. Zen Radicals, Rebels & Reformers. 狂雲:禅の急進派、反乱派、改革派 Boston & London: Shambhala. *Beyer, Huntley. 1981. "Zen and Contemporary Music." 禅と現代音楽 Studia Mystica 4: 29-50. *Bielefeldt, Carl. 1979. "Dogen's Shobogenzo Sansuikyo." 道元の「正法眼蔵」 山水経 In Michael Charles Tobias and Harold Drasdo, eds., The Mountain-Spirit, 37-49. Woodstock, NY: Overlook Press. __________. 1985. "Recarving the Dragon: History and Dogma in the Study of Dogen." 龍の再刻:道元研究の歴史と定説 William R. LaFleur, ed., Dogen Studies, 21-53. Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press. __________. 1986. "Chang-lu Tsung-tse's Tso-ch'an i and the 'Secret' of Zen Meditation." 長蘆宗E の坐禅儀と禅の冥想の「秘密」 In Peter N. Gregory, ed., Traditions of Meditation in Chinese Buddhism, 129-161. Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press. __________. 1988a. Dogen's Manuals of Zen Meditation. 道元の普勧坐禅儀 Berkeley & Los Angeles: University of California. __________. 1988b. "Ennin's 'Treatise on Seated Zen.'" 円仁の坐禅論.The Ten Directions 13,1: 26-34. __________. 1989. "Putting the Cart Before the Horse: Reflections on Ennin's 'Treatise on Seated Zen. ' 本末転倒: 円仁の坐禅論について Ten Directions 10, I: 7-21. __________. 1992a. "No-Mind and Sudden Awakening: Thoughts on the Soteriology of a Kamakura Zen Text." 無心と頓悟:鎌倉禅文献の救世論に関する考察 In Robert E. Buswell, Jr., and Robert M. Gimello, eds., Paths to Liberation: The M詠ga and its Transformations in Buddhist Thought, 475-505. Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press. __________. 1992b. "Dogen Studies in America." 米国における道元研究 Zen kenkyujo nempo [Annual of the Zen Research Institute, Komazawa University] 3: 1-17. (reprinted in Zen Quarterly 4,3: 7-12, and in Ten Directions 13,2: 20-24). __________. 1993. "Filling the Zen-shu: Notes on the 'Jisshu Yodoki'." 禅宗を満たす: 十宗要道記 に関する覚書 Cahiers d'Extr仁e-Asie 7. *Bielefeldt, Carl, and Lewis Lancaster. 1975. "T'an Ching (Platform Scripture)." 六祖壇経 Philosophy East and West 25, 2: 197-212. *Birnbaum, Raoul. 1984. "Thoughts on T'ang Buddhist Mountain Traditions and their Context." 唐代仏教者の山岳伝統とその背景 T'ang Studies 2: 5-23. *Blackstone, Judith, and Zoran Josipovic. 1986. Zen for Beginners. 禅入門 London: Writers & Readers. *Blatte, Jakob. 1982. Zazen: The Diary of a Stranger in Japan. 坐禅:日本における異邦人の日記 Tokyo: Maruzen. *Blofeld, John. 1985 [1986]. The Zen Teaching of Huang Po. 黄檗の禅の教え London: The Buddhist Society. *Blundell, Daivd.1990. "Cultural Aspects of the Six Patriarch's Sutra." 六祖壇経の文化的側面 Fo Kuang Shan Report of International Conference on Ch'an Buddhism. Kaohsiung: Fo Kuang Publishers. *Blyth, Reginald H. 1978. Zen and Zen Classics: Selections from Blyth. 禅と禅の古典:ブライ選集 Compiled by Frederick Frank. New York: Vintage Books. __________. 1982 [1966]. Zen and Zen Classics. 5 vols. 禅と禅の古典 Tokyo: Hokuseido Press. *Bodiford, William M. 1989. "The Growth of the Soto Zen Tradition in Medieval Japan." 日本中世における曹洞禅の伝統の展開 Ph. D. diss., Yale University. __________. 1991. "Dharma Transmission in Soto Zen: Manzan Dohaku's Reform Movement." 曹洞禅における伝法:oR道白の改革運動 Monumenta Nipponica 46, 4: 423-451. __________. 1992. "Zen in the Art of Funerals: Ritual Salvation in Japanese Buddhism." 葬儀における禅:日本仏教における儀礼的救済 History of Religions 32, 2: 146-164. __________. 1993. "The Enlightenment of Kami and Ghosts -- Spirit Ordinations in Japanese Soto Zen." 神と霊の悟り-日本曹洞禅における神霊の受戒 Cahiers d'Extr仁e-Asie 7. __________. 1993. Soto Zen in Medieval Japan. 中世日本の曹洞禅 Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press. *Bonvento, Robert J. 1978. North, South, Zen and Psychoanalysis. 北、南、禅と精神分析 M.S. Thesis, University of Utah. *Bosart, William. 1986. "Sartre's Theory of Consciousness and the Zen Doctrine of No Mind." サルトルの意識の理論と禅の無心の教理 Casey, Edward S. 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