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nkraoh / grhaoh (graoh) / ghraoh /gʰrauh, grauh/    n. အက 舞蹈 wǔdǎo dance.    v. က-၊ ကခုန်- 跳,跳舞 tiào, tiàowǔ jump, dance.  :  Uig nkraoh noh gah mgāex hrom dix. / Uik graoh nawh ka gauxrhawm: tix.  သူအရမ်းပျော်လို့ကခုန်နေတယ်။  他高兴地跳起来了。  He danced up and down in delight.   nkreh1 [var.] / grheuh1 dāing3, jāng jōd, jang qed, jang qied, kong koh, njao, puih, qang qed, qeng qed, si ndōud, taing, tiao, yūh glieh [syn.] / taing3, cang cawd, cang: cheut, cang: chiet, khawng: khawh, jao:, phuih, chang: cheut, cheung: cheut, sidod, thaing:, thiao:, yuh klieh. /ƒ0.0248/ /ƒ10/

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