Results for 'tiao'Results for 'tiao'

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tiao / thiao: / thiao /tʰiau/  v. ခုန်-၊ က- tiào jump, dance.  :  Eix hoig plu bi sōun beix, mai beix ang nkraoh ang tiao. [Mathiex 11:16-17] / Ex hoik phlu: pi: son pex, mai: pex ang grhaoh ang thiao:. [Mathiex 11:16-17]  ငါတို့သည် သာယာစွာတီးမှုတ်သော်လည်း သင်တို့သည် မကကြ။  我们向你们吹笛、你们不跳舞。  We played the flute for you, and you didn't dance. [Mat. 11:16-17]   dāing3, jāng jōd, jang qed, jang qied, kong koh, njao, nkraoh, nkreh1, puih, qang qed, qeng qed, si ndōud, taing [syn.] / taing3, cang cawd, cang: cheut, cang: chiet, khawng: khawh, jao:, grhaoh, grheuh1, phuih, chang: cheut, cheung: cheut, sidod, thaing:. [Hawx 跳]. /ƒ8/

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